Monday, 19 November 2012

Tuesday 20th November

Hopefully your website designs are progressing and you are nearing the point that one of you can write a proposal. For those of you that did Media it is very similar- for those that didn't the following questions should help you structure it:
  • who are you designing a website for?
  • what type of business are they and what sector do they belong to?
  • what are their needs in terms of an online presence (to complement their offline business, to invite online transactions etc.)?
  • describe the look of your website and explain why you chose the colours, fonts etc?
  • explain the construction features and justify why you have used them?
  • Consider the usability of your website in terms of ease of use and whether it is fit for purpose?
  • Why should the business use your designs for their website?
This can be typed or handwritten. It needs to be about 500 words.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Year 11s Monday 19th November

Please continue with your designs for the websites. Take into account the aesthetics (how the pages look) and usability (how easy it is to operate). REMEMBER you are simply designing the pages; there should be annotations and a running commentary as to why your pages will be fit for purpose. The business you are designing for should always be in the forefront of your design. Converse is a good example of combining the look and the usability and is aimed at your age group.

You have two lessons today so this should enable most of you to be really established by the end of the two hours. No one should be going anywhere in terms of movement outside the classroom. Ben and Danny I will help you get your video on next lesson.