Monday, 3 December 2012

Final assessment for unit 12 Business Online

Final assessment: Business Online Unit 12

Using the evidence that you have gathered throughout this unit write a report for the unit bringing together all the areas you have covered. The report should be structured into PETER paragraphs and you should use examples from your research/ web designs. Please write a paragraph for each of the questions. You may use your textbook to support your report but please do not copy chunks from there.
1.       Explain the operational risks for a business operating online?

2.       Outline the impacts of online business on society?

3.       Analyse the consequences on society of an increase in online business

4.       What are the benefits to both business and society to increasing business online?

5.       What are the most important features of a website to ensure businesses successfully meets their aims and objectives?

6.       Justify the use of construction features.

7.       What are the drawbacks and, ultimately a warning to business of an increase in business online?

Tick the criteria below to ensure you have fully covered this criterion.

Assessment and grading criteria

P3 explain the issues a business organisation would need to consider to go online

P4 explain the operational risks for a business organisation operating online

M2 analyse the benefits to businesses and customers of conducting business online

D2 suggest ways in which a business could deal with the operational risks associated

with an online presence

M3 explain how the website assists in achieving the aims and objectives of the business user

D3 justify the use of different construction features in the design of a website

P6 describe the benefits to a business organisation of marketing a product or service online

P7 outline the impact of online business on society.

M4 analyse the consequences for society of an increase in online business.

D4 evaluate the benefits and drawbacks to society of increasing business online.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Tuesday 20th November

Hopefully your website designs are progressing and you are nearing the point that one of you can write a proposal. For those of you that did Media it is very similar- for those that didn't the following questions should help you structure it:
  • who are you designing a website for?
  • what type of business are they and what sector do they belong to?
  • what are their needs in terms of an online presence (to complement their offline business, to invite online transactions etc.)?
  • describe the look of your website and explain why you chose the colours, fonts etc?
  • explain the construction features and justify why you have used them?
  • Consider the usability of your website in terms of ease of use and whether it is fit for purpose?
  • Why should the business use your designs for their website?
This can be typed or handwritten. It needs to be about 500 words.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Year 11s Monday 19th November

Please continue with your designs for the websites. Take into account the aesthetics (how the pages look) and usability (how easy it is to operate). REMEMBER you are simply designing the pages; there should be annotations and a running commentary as to why your pages will be fit for purpose. The business you are designing for should always be in the forefront of your design. Converse is a good example of combining the look and the usability and is aimed at your age group.

You have two lessons today so this should enable most of you to be really established by the end of the two hours. No one should be going anywhere in terms of movement outside the classroom. Ben and Danny I will help you get your video on next lesson.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Friday 26th October Business Lesson

Everyone should know what they need to do; you are continuing the work that you started at the beginning of the week to consolidate learning outcome 2:
James ensure you have completed the assessment on p.310 then follow the advice on the earlier post Title: lessons beginning 22nd October

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Homework for Half term due 6th November

Either write a 500 word report to consolidate your learning in Business this term:
  1. what types of businesses are there and what is their purpose?
  2. what are the main functioning areas of a business?
  3. what advice would you give to someone thinking abouts starting up an online business?
  4. what SMART objectives would you set the Butty Box to increase their sales?

re-read the first few sections of the chapter Business Online up to pages 310.
  • ensure you thoroughly understand the usability and construction features of a website
  • check out different websites and analyse the features; which are attractive? which are useful?
  • think about what might you include on a website and why?

Business Lessons week beginning 22nd October 2012

Business Online Tasks for Learning Outcome 2
Learning Objective
To understand the issues that affect an online business
Lesson Outcomes
To know what issues affect an online business and to have identfied solutions
Success criteria
500 word report
bullet pointed report on online trading
completed assessment activity page 321

Using pages 313 onwards identify issues which we discussed in class. This should be presented as a 500 word report:
  • set up issues
  • technical, hardware, software and broadband issues
  • payment security
  • world wide web bring language barriers, time zones, different legislation and regulations
  • security/ hostile attacks, viruses
  • staffing issues, illness, hoildays
  • Data protection, Regulations, consumer rights, equal opportunities
  • distribution, storage, postage
Kayleigh and Oktober- you need to put a sub title set up issues and then write about the issues that might arise. This only has to be a paragraph but needs to include things like technical skills, whether you spend the money getting someone else to build your website? choosing the name, considering the style and design etc. Each of the bullet points above needs a few sentences on each.
Now go to
Read through their report to help those new to e-business or online business
Write a bullet pointed report using their guide. Use the blue heading as pointers

Check your understanding of the issues affecting online businesses by carrying out the assessment on page 321. instead of e-mailing Matt please e-mail me for question 1 (

Presentations to class will be chosen from those that did not present last time.